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  • Writer's pictureIan Speight

Lunch with the Iron Butt Association UK (or at least some of them)

For those that don't know, the Iron Butt Association is dedicated to safe, long-distance, endurance motorcycle riding. Originated in the United States, they have over 60,000 members world-wide with many countries having their own 'branch'. The Iron Butt Association is not a club as such, there are no membership fees and there is only one way to become a member - you must successfully complete and have certified, an IBA Certificate ride.

In the UK, as well as the certified rides, they also organise 8, 12 and 36 hour non-competitive rallies, Ride-To-Eat and other informative and fun events and you do not have to be a member to attend any of these events.

On Saturday 17th February I attended one such event, their 'Ride To Eat'. This was held at the Black Swan pub, Brandsburton, East Yorks.

About 12 members turned up, having made their own way there from various parts of the country, such as Doncaster, Blackpool, Huddersfield, Newcastle as well as many other regions of the UK. I was made to feel very welcome and everyone was very chatty. Various aspects of Iron Butt riding was explained and discussed, along with the usual banter and biking tales you get with any group of riders that get together. It was a very enjoyable lunch I was even allowed in the group photo !

I will hopefully be attending more events in the future when time allows.

If you'd like to know more about the Iron Butt Association UK, check out their website at

'Front and centre' with some of the Iron Butt members, (Dave, Bob, Foster Graeme & Sally, John....apologies for not knowing everyones names !) Black Swan, Brandsburton. 17/2/18

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