Well what a month, but not necessarily for all the right reasons!
As some of you know, in August I was due to lead a tour around Europe on behalf of Motorrad Tours, 15 nights, starting and ending in Prague. All started well with me leaving the UK on 1st August and riding across to Prague where I met the customers for the start of the tour on the 4th. A great bunch of people and it became apparent very quickly that everyone was going to get on like a house on fire.
After leaving Prague we had a few stops at various places before arriving in Krakow on the 8th, unfortunately this is where things went down hill for me as I started to feel unwell. We moved on again on the 10th but by the time I reached Bratislava on the 11th, it was clear I was getting worse and the next 4 days would see the hotel call paramedics twice and on the second occasion I was taken to the local hospital as I was suffering with dehydration, high temperature and low blood pressure. On the 16th I flew home, with another tour leader taking over the tour.
Regards the tour itself, it really was an amazing tour, lots of 'country hopping' from one day to the next, some fantastic cities visited and all in wall to wall sunshine with temperatures in the 30's most days. We also visited places such as Auschwitz and the site of the POW camp where 'The Great Escape' took place.
As I said earlier, the customers were a great bunch and we've all swapped numbers and 'friended' each other on Facebook so that we can all keep in touch, this is one of the many great aspects of being a Tour Leader, you meet 'customers' at the start of a tour and end up leaving with new friends. Cheesy but true !!
Here's me, Geoff, Darren, Nikki, Andy, Karen, Tony and Julie all enjoying one of the many evening meals we had together.

As I write this now, I'm still not feeling fully recovered and it has been a very unpleasant few weeks, I've had a follow up visit to my GP but I'm still waiting for a full diagnosis of exactly what I was suffering with.
On the house move front, still not completed yet but I'm all set for the move and we should be sorted in the coming days. The move will see me relocate from Hull to York to finally set up home proper with Kim, Anna and Joe.
Training wise, I was due to do a couple of session near the end of the month but due to still feeling unwell, these had to be rescheduled for September but I'm pleased to say that September is looking busy with half of all available dates already booked.
Well that just about rounds things up, its my birthday today so looking forward to a family meal and few beers later today.
Ride safe everyone and if you're thinking about booking some training, please don't hesitate to get in touch.
Thanks for reading.
Ian S